My Stepdaughter’s Father’s Day Gift Shocked Me to the Core

Father’s Day was meant to be simple and joyous, but the truth my daughter shared changed everything. I discovered my “dead” wife had lied, and my daughter was forced to keep this secret.

Sixteen years ago, I met Sue at a bookstore where I worked. She had a warmth that drew me in, and I quickly fell for her and her two-year-old daughter, Ellen. We married and I adopted Ellen. Tragedy struck when Sue died in a car accident, and I focused on raising Ellen, despite my mother’s disapproval.

Years later, Ellen gave me a wooden chest on Father’s Day. Inside were letters from Sue, dated after her supposed death. One letter read, “If you’re reading this, it means Ellen has grown up and you’re ready to know the truth.” Ellen revealed that Sue had left us, pretending to die, because she wasn’t ready to raise her and had another relationship.

Ellen had kept this secret for Sue’s promised inheritance. Despite my shock and anger, I couldn’t blame Ellen. She gave me the chest’s final gift: a sales contract for a pickup truck, showing her gratitude for all I’d done.

Though betrayed by Sue, my bond with Ellen grew stronger. As we faced this truth together, Ellen assured me, “I love you, Dad.” I replied, “I love you too, bunny. More than you’ll ever know.” Despite the past, our love promised a brighter future.

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