In the bustling household of Mr. and Mrs. Lazy, a typical day often unfolded with comedic flair. One sunny afternoon, as the rays danced through the curtains, Mrs. Lazy, determined to spruce up their garden oasis, made a simple request to her husband.

“Wife: Honey, can you please help me clean the garden?” she pleaded.

To which her dear husband, comfortably ensconced in his recliner, retorted with a hint of jest, “Husband: Do I look like a gardener?”

Undeterred, Mrs. Lazy, with a playful smile, pivoted her request, hoping for a different outcome. “Wife: Oh, sorry, honey. Okay then, can you fix the bathroom door?”

With a similar degree of nonchalance, her husband quipped, “Husband: Do I look like a carpenter?”

And so, in a theatrical display of resignation, the husband strolled out, leaving his wife to tackle the tasks solo. Upon his return, expecting to find the status quo unchanged, he was greeted by a surprising sight – a pristine garden and a flawlessly repaired bathroom door.

With a smirk of self-satisfaction, he declared, “Husband: I knew my wife would take care of it all by herself!”

But his amusement quickly turned to bewilderment as his wife revealed the true orchestrator of their domestic transformation.

“Wife: No, it’s not me,” she confessed mischievously.

“Puzzled, the husband inquired, “Husband: Then who?”

With a sly grin, his wife divulged the unexpected benefactor, “Wife: Our neighbor.”

Perplexed, the husband probed further, “Husband: You paid him how much?”

But the wife’s response was as unexpected as it was amusing, “Wife: No, he simply gave me two options, bread or… well, you know.”

In a state of incredulity, the husband could only muster a single hope, “Husband: I trust you chose bread?”

To which his wife, with a final playful twist, quipped, “Wife: Do I look like a bakery?”

And so, in the comical saga of Mr. and Mrs. Lazy, even the simplest tasks unfolded with a delightful dose of humor and surprise.

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