My Sister Billed Me $2,145 for the Surprise Birthday Party She Threw for Me – I Was Ready to Pay until I Saw Her Wallet

Christina’s 29th birthday turned into a nightmare when her sister Lori threw her a surprise party and handed her a $2,145 bill. Shocked and unprepared, Christina’s night was ruined by this unexpected financial burden, until karma intervened with a surprising twist.

“Hey everyone, I’m Christina! I just turned 29 last week, and trust me, it’s a birthday I can’t forget for all the wrong reasons,” she shared. Dealing with medical bills and rent, Christina had planned a quiet celebration. But her sister had other plans.

Lori called two days before, pushing for a celebration despite Christina’s protests about her finances. On the day, Christina arrived at Lori’s house, only to be greeted with a surprise party. Initially thrilled, Christina’s joy turned to dismay when Lori handed her a bill for the party.

“You can take your time paying it off,” Lori said, adding to Christina’s shock. However, when Lori dropped her wallet and cash spilled out, revealing contributions from friends and family, Christina exposed Lori’s deceit to everyone.

“Did everyone chip in for the party?” Christina asked, holding up a $100 bill. The revelation left the partygoers stunned and Lori embarrassed, as she tried to defend her actions.

Feeling betrayed, Christina left the party, needing space to process the situation. “Right now, I just need some space,” she said, leaving the strained relationship with her sister hanging in the balance.

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