Neighbor Heartwarming Response To Little Girl’s Note Asking If She Can Use Their Basketball Hoop

A young child saw that her neighbor had a basketball hoop in their driveway and was really eager to use it.

She knocked on the door politely and asked if she might. We are feeling warmed by the person’s incredibly kind response.

The girl, Emma, wrote in her letter that she had attempted to seek permission in person a few times but had been unsuccessful each time. She therefore chose the second, most moral course of action, leaving a traditional “check yes or no” card.

Little Girl’s Letter to Her Neighbor Received a Brief but Heartfelt Response

She addressed the note on a blank white card as “Dear neighbor. My name is Emma and I live across the street at 1659. Would it be ok if I shot some hoops on your b-ball hoop after school some days?”

After confirming that everything was OK, the neighbor kindly allowed Emma unrestricted use of the hoop and said, “Have Fun!”

The endearing exchange is evidence that even seemingly insignificant actions may have profound effects.

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